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Slimline HandRoller 100gms

Slimline HandRoller 100gms

Regular price $17.95
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Slim and 'soft' to touch being non metallic. Come in a black zip case for storage.

These are amazing, hard to put into words how wonderfully satisfying these are. They rotate around in the hand, are discreet and therapeutic. Great workplace tool! Great for anxiety and also hand function.

Rotate in your hand, roll between your palms or roll to massage are three great ways you can use them. To gain an idea of how they feel to use - if you have some fat textas on hand place two in the same hand, side by side, and rotate around themselves.

This weight is a great all rounder weight. If choosing for a child 10 or younger - this weight is generally the better one to select, however it is personal. For 10 and up the heavier weights 160/180/250/305 are often preferred, although many adults like the lighter ones also. Most report the heavier ones better to assist with Anxiety.

The lighter weights also better for those that have reduced hand function.

We have many people with dementia find these helpful for decreasing agitation.

Kaiko Fidget sensory tools can assist with...

  • Supporting mental health & reducing anxiety
  • Emotional regulation & sensory input
  • Focus & concentration - great study or work tool
  • Tactile awareness & desensitisation
  • Hand function – improving fine motor, strength & circulation
  • Managing stress
  • Active listening - can increase focus & attention
  • Reducing unhelpful habits - such as nail biting, smoking, tapping, hair twirling, pen clicking & leg bouncing etc.
  • Sensory seeking substitution - finding a more socially acceptable outlet for sensory preferences

    Not suitable for for children under 3.

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