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Sticker- 'Embracing My Inner Swamp Witch' -Jubly-Umph

Sticker- 'Embracing My Inner Swamp Witch' -Jubly-Umph

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You don't need to be stirring a cauldron to connect with your powers. You pay attention to your intuition with the dark and the light, it's there for a reason! Hey, you also may keep some strange animal as your familiar, but you're not concerned what other people think or say about you. You may love a healthy dose of mud too! Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty - after all, that's where the magic happens!

Embrace your inner swamp witch and curse anyone who questions it!

Perfect for drink bottles, laptops, notebooks and more!

  • Waterproof Vinyl Sticker
  • 10cm x 7cm / 4" x 2.75"
  • Limited Edition
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