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The Happy Giraffe

Everyday Resilience Journal by Michelle Mitchell

Everyday Resilience Journal by Michelle Mitchell

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Ideal for 8 – 12 year olds, this book offers 40 clever strategies to help tweens with friendship dramas, schoolwork and their confidence. 

If you want to build resilience in your tween (aged 8 – 12), you have come to the right place. This Journal offers 40 clever strategies to help tweens with friendship dramas, schoolwork and their confidence.  Featuring easy to read strategies, journal pages and beautiful illustrations this book is ideal for both boys and girls, and has been enjoyed by over 50K families. 

Chapter titles include: 

  • Handling Friendship Stuff
  • Handling Tough Friendship Stuff,
  • Enjoying the Daily Routine,
  • Understanding Stressful Feelings,
  • Conquering Schoolwork and Homework
  • Knowing How to Contribute.

It helps answer questions such as:

  • Someone is being mean to me. How can I make them stop?
  • Some of my friends are spreading rumours. What shall I do if I hear gossip?
  • I didn’t get invited to my friend’s party. How do I handle disappointments?
  • My best friend is really sad. How can I help?
  • I find maths difficult. How can I enjoy schoolwork more?

10 of my favourite pages

Page 11. If you ever wondered how to spot a five-star friend, this strategy is for you. I am going to introduce you to Dave, and you might even wish you could meet him.

Page 23. In this section I want to share four strategies to help you handle gossip like a professional. These strategies will help you reduce the drama and create happy environments that everyone can enjoy.

Page 30. Do you know how to say “no” when you need to, without being unkind? No is such an important word to practise saying.

Page 32. Do you know how to care for friends without carrying their problems home? This strategy will help you be a good friend, without losing sleep!

Page 45. This is my all-time favourite strategy that you need to know.  I want to teach you how to respond to meanness by pushing back with truth.

Page 57.  Have you ever had to stand alone?  I’ll tell you about a time when I had to. It was a time when I had to make new friends.

Page 63.  If you have ever felt disappointed because you weren’t invited to a party or because you weren’t included in a conversation. I’ve got some ideas to help you let go of disappointment and ask yourself, “What’s next?”

Page 105. Crazy banana stress-out times are a part of everyone’s lives. This strategy will help you look out for geckos when your “fire alarm” is going off.

Page 121.  Shhhhhh!!! It’s a secret, so be wise with it!  This strategy will help you be really wise with your private information.

Page 175. How are you contributing and showing kindness to people around you? I know some kids your age who have chosen big and small acts of kindness to change their world.

what others are saying about this book

I received my order today and my 11 year old grandson has been in his room reading his resilience journal. I wasn’t sure if he would use it or get into it. He straight away went to the section on friendships and found it useful for some struggles he has with some friends.  A great resource. I can see he will read this and reflect. Thanks 
Tricia M

My gorgeous 8 year old Allie had some pretty serious BFF issues at the end of last term, your journal and videos have helped so much! 
Jodie K

I have just about finishing reading this book and there are so many helpful suggestions my family is benefiting from already. My 10 year old boy has been working his way through the journal and loving it, he comes to me several times a day saying, Mum it is telling me this and that. He recently changed schools and has struggled to settle into a new friendship group. The tips that he is taking away from the journal alone are filling him with confidence that he will be ok. THANK YOU
Melinda E

I recently purchased your Everyday Resilience journal for my super savvy 11 year old daughter. We have read lots of wonderful books and we journal together all the time, but she called me in the other night to tell me how much she loved the journal – her comment went something like “you know that this book ACTUALLY gives REALLY good advice. I’m actually going to use it!” So thank you for writing a really authentic journal / book and please know it is sincerely appreciated and used.
Verity D

My GP recommended your books when I went to see her for these exact issues with my daughter who is struggling. I can’t tell you how much better I feel knowing we have this book to support us.
Kim T

Key life skills presented in a perfectly relatable style. We will read it as a family and chat over the themes. I can see some great discussions coming out of it. Grateful to you.
Karyn W

We love it. Just starting reading it on a day we were feeling overwhelmed and couldn’t go to school…perfect timing.
Ang N L

Received our book today and my 13 year old is enjoying it. Got his highlighter and pen
taking notes.
Donna Low

A month ago we brought the everyday resilience journal for our 9 year old. We have found it has drawn out some meaningful conversations, but also created space for personal reflection and an opportunity to privately, or as a family de-brief and discussion. This is a direct quote from Levi, “I feel good when I finish writing. Even when I write bad things from my day, by the time I’m finished I feel good again.”
Kirsty Emily

11 year old grandson loves it. Has had it a few hours and is already reading quotes to me.
Tricia W

My daughter is loving the journal (and has highlighted almost every word she’s read so far). I also purchased the video series and she’s (we’re) loving them also. They are sinking in and she’s remembering and so much appreciating what she is learning (so am I!) Looking at this together has also improved our relationship. She’s feeling like I’m listening to her needs and spending time together is so helpful. Thank you!
Kimberley M

It is proving completely wonderful and we’ve only had it 24 hours!
Loren H

I purchase the everyday resilience journal for my 9 year old daughter because she was
having problems with some of the girls at school. Thank you so much for a wonderful resource. My daughter was so enthusiastic when we started reading the book because she could relate to the content. My daughter has shown her teacher and her teacher said the book was such a great resource so now my daughter is allowed to read the book in class during free reading time. Thank you for bringing confidence to my daughter.
Lisa B

Thank you for the Everyday Resilience Journal. My little Hannah has had a rough time and this journal has been an absolute gift. I purchased this last week for my 9 year old daughter and we are reading it together. It has opened so many channels of conversations – including with my 12 year old who walked by when we were reading and said, “Can I listen to this mum?” Worth every cent just for the chance to talk about what goes on in their daily lives.
Lisa M

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